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Vision:Crafty Casting, Striving to Create an Industry Model Enterprise!

Mission:Continuously creating value for customers, sincerely realizing employees' dreams, and wholeheartedly building an excellent platform for society.

Position:Be a trustworthy person and defend the interests of the company and customers with actions.

Belief:There is no profession, only career, and the heart to do great things will never change; Born of love, accompanied by wind and rain, striving for the strength of Shangjin!

Values:People who do not have a common position and belief are not my Shangjin people. For the sake of the company's vision and mission, they put aside or even sacrifice personal interests.

Custom:Customer needs, Shangjin's pursuit.

Team:Integrity is better than ability, and teamwork is better than talent.

Develop:High morale does not come in a moment, sustainable development is the truth.

Gratitude:Honor gratitude and shame ungratefulness.

Core concepts

Idea:Morality, ability, persistence

Principle:Persist in reuse with virtue and talent, cultivate and use with virtue and without talent, and resolutely do not use without virtue and talent.

Promotion:Up and down, not arrogant, not discouraged.

Advocate:Pursue success, face failure directly, but absolutely refuse to give up.

Collaboration concept:Be concentric and work together.

Work philosophy:Seeking truth and pragmatism, daring to innovate.

Cultural Quotations

Happy Culture:Happy work, happy life!

Work culture:Achieving the ultimate in simple technology is the ultimate skill!

Style of work:Keep your promise, no excuses!

Growth Culture:Thought determines attitude, attitude determines action, action determines habit, habit determines personality, and personality determines fate. Please change your thoughts and change your destiny!

Copyright © 2023 Jiangsu Shangjin Drying Technology Co., Ltd.   Support:JW WISDOM CUBIC

