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2022-03-26 14:04:59
Assist the manager in completing company administrative and departmental daily affairs, assist in reviewing and revising company management rules and regulations, organize and manage daily administrative work, and have at least three years of experie...
2022-03-26 14:04:13
Basic professional knowledge in the mechanical or drying industry, strong communication and communication skills, affinity, and sales experience are preferred.
2022-03-26 13:56:29
Experience in argon arc welding, gas shielded welding, or manual welding is preferred, proficient in completing daily production welding tasks assigned by the workshop supervisor, obedient to arrangements, hardworking, and responsible.
2022-03-26 13:53:24
Having worked in the mechanical processing industry, polishing or polishing work, proficient in using angle grinder, able to independently complete various irregular parts polishing work, with strong hands-on ability, able to understand mechanical ma...

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