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Introduction to Common Faults and Troubleshooting Methods of Small Swing Granulator

  The small swing granulator is a type of swinging machine that uses a rotating drum to grind wet powder raw materials into particles through an iron wire sieve. It can also be widely used for crushing into blocks and becoming ready-made particles.

  In the field of chemicals, it is used as a wet powder to grind particles, which are dried and used for pressing tablets. It can also be crushed into blocks that coagulate during storage or clump during chemical processing. In the food industry, it is used to treat candies, sugar mixtures, malt and milk, and in other industries, such as ceramics, plastics, and other mixtures to form particles.

  What are the common faults of small swing granulators? What is the elimination method?

  1. After power on, the drum does not rotate: the reason is that the drum may be stuck by foreign objects. The power should be cut off and the drum should be removed to remove foreign objects.

  2. Machine vibration: The machine is tilted and needs to be leveled. If it vibrates again, check the equipment components to see if it is caused by the equipment components.

  3. Uneven particles produced: If the mixing degree of the material is not uniform enough or the sieve is damaged, replace the sieve or mix the material again to improve the uniformity of the wet material.

  4. Roughness or looseness on the surface of finished particles: it is caused by the high or low moisture content, and needs to be adjusted to the appropriate moisture content.

  The small swinging particle machine adopts a seven angle drum design, material selection, and good processing technology. The hollow triangular ribs on the seven corner drum are specially customized from a special-shaped stainless steel pipe factory. During granulation, the seven corner drum oscillates back and forth. Due to the lighter weight of the hollow triangular reinforcement compared to the solid reinforcement, it can reduce the resistance caused by inertia. At the same time, the hollow triangular reinforcement is elastic, and small deformation can make the extrusion force softer. Our factory adopts an optical positioning mold to ensure that the concentricity of the seven triangular ribs and the two ends of the rotating shafts is consistent, thus producing uniform particles.

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