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What are the performance characteristics of a twin screw cone mixer?

  The twin screw cone mixer is a new, efficient, and high-precision mixing equipment widely used for mixing various powder and particle materials in industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and feed. The machine is equipped with an electric motor and a cycloidal pin wheel reducer to complete both rotation and revolution. It uses two screws for asymmetric mixing, which allows for a wide range of material mixing, more uniform mixing, fast mixing speed, and significant weight difference. Materials with larger mixing ratios are more suitable for mixing. All parts in contact with the materials are made of stainless steel.

  The downward flow of powder particles caused by spiral rotation is precisely due to the combination of spiral rotation in the mixer, forming four flow forms of powder: convection, shear, diffusion, and infiltration. Therefore, the powder can quickly achieve uniform mixing in the mixer.

  What are the performance characteristics of a twin screw cone mixer? If you want to know, let's take a look at the following content together.

  (1) The structure is advanced, easy to operate, and the operation is safe and reliable. The cantilever double spiral shaft has no bottom bearing, which eliminates faults caused by powder infiltration of the bottom bearing.

  (2) The mixing speed is fast and the quality is uniform. The double helix of this machine is arranged in an asymmetric manner, which expands the mixing range from large to small, making it more suitable for mixing materials with significant differences in specific gravity and mixing ratios.

  (3) The energy-saving effect is significant, and the energy consumption of this machine is only one tenth of that of a drum mixer.

  (4) The wear and pressure of granular materials are minimal, and there is no overheating reaction when mixing thermosensitive materials.

  (5) The mixed formulation is stable and does not exhibit stratification or segregation.

  (6) This machine is sealed and dust-free, with simple operation, convenient maintenance, and long service life. In addition, according to user requirements, conical pressure vessels can be made for pressurization or vacuum operation.

  (7) The self transmission and revolution of this machine are completed by a set of motors and a cycloidal needle transmission reducer.

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