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Shangjin Drying has completed the debugging and production of multiple vacuum drying and hot air circulation ovens customized for customers

  At the beginning of the new year, Jiangsu Shangjin Drying Technology Co., Ltd. is fully committed to epidemic prevention and control, ensuring safe production and making a good start and step for the new year.

  Recently, multiple vacuum drying and hot air circulation ovens customized by the company for customers have been debugged and put into production. From customer consultation to design, to manufacturing and quality inspection, it took less than 15 working days, fully reflecting the work efficiency of all staff members of the company.


Vacuum drying performance characteristics

◎The boiling point of the material solution under vacuum decreases, which increases the heat transfer driving force of the evaporator. Therefore, a certain amount of heat transfer can save the heat transfer area of the evaporator.

◎The heat source for evaporation operation can be low-pressure steam or waste heat steam.

◎Evaporator has less heat loss.

◎Disinfection treatment can be carried out before drying, and there is no impurity contamination during the drying process, which meets GMP requirements.

◎It belongs to a static vacuum dryer, so the shape of the dried material will not be damaged.


Introduction to Hot Air Circulation Oven

  The CT-C series hot air circulation oven is equipped with a low noise, high-temperature resistant axial flow fan, and an automatic temperature control system. The entire circulation system is fully enclosed, increasing the thermal efficiency of the oven from traditional drying rooms of 3-7% to the current 35-45%, with a maximum thermal efficiency of 50%. The successful design of the CT-C type hot air circulation oven has brought China's hot air circulation oven to the level of domestic and international standards. It has saved a lot of energy for our country and improved the economic efficiency of enterprises. In 1990, the National Medical Administration issued an industry standard with a unified model of RXH.

Previous Information:The customized drying and mixing machine linkage production line for the customer has been completed
Next Information:Jiangsu Shangjin Drying Achieves Double Wins in Epidemic Prevention and Control and Order Production

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