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What are the advantages and characteristics of small sludge dryers?

  Small sludge dryers, also known as sludge dryers, are specialized drying equipment for drying sludge. Sludge dryers (sludge drying equipment) can be widely used for the drying of activated sludge, sewage sludge, petrochemical sludge, papermaking sludge, printing and dyeing sludge, tannery sludge, electroplating sludge, municipal sludge, biological fermentation bacterial residue and other high humidity materials.

  The dried sludge is quantitatively and continuously fed into the feeding port of the drying machine by a screw feeder. The sludge enters the inner wall thickness and is flipped and stirred by the rotation of the blades, continuously updating the heating interface. The sludge directly contacts the inner wall, blades, and shaft, improving thermal efficiency and evaporating the surface moisture contained in the sludge. At the same time, the sludge is transported along a spiral trajectory with the rotation of the impeller shaft towards the discharge port. During transportation, stirring is continued to evaporate the water seepage from the sludge, and qualified products that are evenly dried are discharged from the discharge port.

  What are the advantages and characteristics of small sludge dryers?

  1. Dry evenly. Equipped with a baking room design and uniform air ducts, it can evenly heat the Buddha fragrance and produce good products.

  2. Energy saving. Heat pump dryers absorb the heat of the air to dry materials, with very low power consumption. Moreover, the new generation of dryers has been fully upgraded, with secondary waste heat recovery, better energy-saving effects, and less heat loss. The air in the furnace and corresponding containers will not dissipate heat, resulting in high thermal efficiency and significantly improved production environment.

  3. Easy to control. Compared with conventional methods, the operation is simple and convenient; The temperature and humidity of the baking room can be adjusted.

  4. The material has good drying quality. The closed circulation of drying medium can avoid the impurity pollution of materials caused by gas exchange with the outside world, which is especially important for food, medicine or biological products.

  5. No pollution. During the drying process of a small sludge dryer, the drying medium is enclosed and circulates in it, without any pollution caused by material dust, volatile substances, and odors emitted into the environment with the drying waste gas; The waste heat in the exhaust of the drying chamber is directly recovered by the heat pump to heat the cold and dry air, and there is no thermal pollution of the unit to the environment.

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