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Maintenance tips for small swinging particle machines in daily life

  The particles produced by the small swing granulator have low powder content, convenient operation, simple control, long service life, and comply with GMP specifications. The poor flowability of powder can easily cause cracks and significant differences in sheet weight. Therefore, before pressing, particles are made. This type of machine is generally used for granulation of Chinese and Western medicine, as the particles produced by this type of machine have good flowability and uniform sheet weight.

  This product can make wet powder into particles, and can also be used to break and break up some fragile, loose, and brittle materials in strip and irregular shapes, as the pre grinding process. One machine has three functions: granulation, crushing, and fabric distribution, which can achieve the goal of multiple uses in one machine.

  The small swinging particle machine should be maintained in the following way in daily life:

  (1) Machine lubrication: Lubrication cycle: ① Generally, the machine parts are refueled every three days of operation; ② Add 1 # calcium based grease to the rolling bearing every 3 months.

  (2) Machine maintenance

  1) Maintenance cycle: ① Electric motor: inspected once a month; ② After each shift, conduct an overall inspection of the machine.

  2) Maintenance content: ① Regularly check the insulation resistance and zero connection reliability of various components and control circuits in the electrical system to ensure electrical safety; ② Regularly inspect the components (once a month), check whether the moving parts such as worm gears, worms, bearings, etc. rotate flexibly and wear out. If defects are found, they should be repaired in a timely manner and should not be used again; ③ The transmission part of the equipment should be refueled once before driving, and can be added midway according to the operating conditions of each part; ④ The worm gear box must store engine oil for a long time, with the oil level at a height where the worm gear is fully immersed in the oil. When using the machine continuously, the oil must be changed every three months; ⑤ Before equipment operation, idle and confirm normal operation with good lubrication before normal operation; ⑥ After a small swing granulator is used or stopped, the rotating drum should be removed for cleaning and brushing the remaining powder in the bucket, and then installed to prepare for the next use; ⑦ If the shutdown time is long, the machine must be cleaned thoroughly.

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